Pregnancy Massage

  • Benefits of Pregnancy Massage

    Pregnancy is a time filled with joy and excitement, but we understand that it may also come with unique health and wellbeing challenges. Your body is rapidly changing and knots and niggles that weren’t there before may start to present throughout your pregnancy.

    We have a range of bolsters and pillows to make the massage as comfortable for you. We can offer clients massages lying on their side, back or stomach, all with the correct positioning for the comfort and safety of both mum and baby.

    Massages are customised for each client, their individual needs and how far along they are with their pregnancy.

    Your therapist will assess what is best for you and plan accordingly.

    We schedule 75 minutes for each 60-minute massage, allowing time for each client to get settled in and allow their body to relax in preparation for their treatment.

  • When would you see us for a Pre- or Post-Natal Massage

    Whether you are after some relaxing quality YOU time or you are experiencing muscular discomfort due to the changes your body goes through during pregnancy we are here to help;

    Pregnancy massage can help (but is not limited) to:

    • promote relaxation and relieve stress

    • ease back, shoulder, neck pain and all joint and muscular conditions common in pregnancy

    • reduce aches and pains in muscles and joints

    • reduction in oedema (swelling in feet or wrists)

    • decrease pain on weightbearing joints

    • stabilise hormonal changes and blood pressure

    • support mother - baby connection

    • reduce anxiety

    • improve sleep pattern

    • improve proprioception to support body changes